Michael Knap

Michael Knap

Office address:
Physik Department and Institute for Advanced Study
Technische Universität München
James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching, Germany

e-Mail: michael.knap[at]ph.tum.de

Michael Knap

Alvise Bastianello

Post Doc

Stefan Birnkammer

PhD Student

Julian Boesl

PhD Student

Wonjune Choi


Johannes Hauschild

Post Doc

Gloria Isbrandt

PhD Student
(joint supervision with Frank Pollmann)

Wilhelm Kadow

PhD Student

Hui-Ke Jin

Post Doc

Masataka Kawano

Post Doc

Lorenzo Lanzini

Master Student

Léo Mangeolle

Post Doc

Fabian Pichler

PhD Student

Adam Prystupiuk

Master Student

Anton Romen

PhD Student

Wen-Tao Xu

Post Doc

Philip Zechmann

PhD Student

Caterina Zerba

PhD Student

Niklas Ziereis

Master Student

Previously associated group members

Annabelle Bohrdt (former PhD student, now Professor at University of Regensburg, ITAMP postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University; finalist of the Deborah Jin Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Research in Atomic, Molecular, or Optical Physics of APS DAMOP 2022, DPG SAMOP thesis prize finalist 2022)
Johannes Feldmeier (former PhD student, now postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, DPG SKM thesis prize finalist 2024)
Fabian Grusdt (former postdoc, now Professor at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
Clemens Kuhlenkamp (former PhD student, now postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University)
Izabella Lovas (former postdoc, now postdoc at KITP)
Alex Schuckert (former PhD Student, now postdoctoral fellow at JQI, Maryland)
Simon Weidinger (former PhD Student, now d-fine GmbH)
Elisabeth Wybo (former PhD Student, now IQM Germany GmbH)

Collective Quantum Dynamics | Michael Knap | people.